Monday, January 14, 2008

Are we weather pansies?

I just got a phone call announcing that due to the weather, there is no school today. This might raise some concerns for a few reasons: first, this is the second snow day we've had this year that has been announced before a single flake has fallen, and second this is the second consecutive school day that has been canceled. The "snow" day Friday was more of a "snow and slush" day, completely unexpected, so here we have a previously unplanned four day weekend.

"So what gives?" you may wonder. "I thought New Englanders were equipped to deal with lots of snow." Well generally speaking that's true, and it's really all a matter of timing. There's only (!!) 6-10 inches in the forecast for today, but it's supposed to be heavy snow starting just about the time the buses go out this morning and continue throughout the day. Seems to be more of an insurance-driven decision since the buses don't really mind the weather as much as smaller vehicles, but when the safety of children is at stake they're not going to gamble.

So are we, or have we become, snow pansies? To be honest I don't really care, because now, at the time the alarm normally goes off on Monday morning, I'm going back to bed.

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