Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Those little chores you hate

We all have those little chores that we just hate doing. It's not a big thing, just something small that is so hard to do.

For me, it's folding laundry. I don't mind doing the laundry, I like wearing clean clothes, but for some reason I really hate the folding part. It's not hard, it doesn't take long, I just hate it and I don't know why. Usually what happens is the basket of clean clothes gets dumped on the floor, and I'll use clothes from the pile until it's pretty much depleted and time to do laundry again.

That's my chore that I hate. What's yours?


Kayla said...

Vacuming! And Dishes! I actually kinda like folding laundry(strange as that's what I do nearly every day at work!).

Unknown said...

dusting! I hate all the housekeeping chores but dusting is the worst.