Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Stoopid People #1

So this came to my attention yesterday. If you're too lazy to click on the link, here's the basics.

A substitute teacher in Land O' Lakes, Florida (seriously, it's a real place, 20 miles north of Tampa) performed a brief "magic" trick for one of his classes, in which he made a toothpick disappear and reappear. He was later called in by his supervisor and told he wouldn't be able to take any more substitute assignments because he was being accused of ... wait for it ... wizardry.

I'd like to know where (and when) are we? Is this Salem, MA in 1692, the middle of the witch trials? Madrid, Spain in the 16th century, the Spanish Inquisition (which nobody expected)? I was under the impression that it was 21st century United States, where reason and common sense prevail, or at least no one seriously believes in witchcraft anymore. Am I wrong? Apparently.

To quote my source of this story Phil Plait, "Teh stoopid! It hurts!"

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